Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Province pressed to cut logging

Environmentalists angry over MNR's wavering on banning or curbing Algonquin Park operations

Nov 28, 2007 04:30 AM


Just three weeks into the job, Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield has angered environmentalists over whether to curb, or even ban, logging in Algonquin Provincial Park.

She'll probably come under more pressure next week, when provincial environmental commissioner Gord Miller releases his annual report.

Although it's not usually evident to the million or so people who camp, canoe or hike each year in Ontario's oldest park, trees can be cut down and hauled out of more than three-quarters of the popular "wilderness" preserve.

While logging areas and seasons are separated as much as possible from tourist routes, "it's not a park with logging in it; it's an industrial zone that permits canoeing," says Evan Ferrari, of CPAWS Wildlands League, an advocacy group – and chapter of the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society – originally formed to preserve the park....CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE READING

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